I Am Successful…
The black body is under attack. From state-sanctioned police violence to the over-incarceration of black men, to entertainment news-cycle images of minstrelsy, and debauchery; black bodies took a brutal beating in 2015. Over one thousand black people were killed by police in 2015, and one in three black males can expect to go to prison during their life. Factor in the negative media images peddled by mainstream television, and it is not hard to see who one might say black people are not safe in our own backyards.
It is because of this physical and psychological warfare against black self-love, black self-acceptance, and black joy, that projects like #IAmSuccessful are important. Salman Rushdie said “Art is not entertainment…it’s a revolution.” Indeed, art has always had a profound and lasting effect on the struggle for Civil Rights. While it is unfortunate that in 2016, we must call positive depictions of the black body “revolutionary”, I find comfort in knowing that we at II Magazine have the global platform, via the internet, to present these revolutionary depictions.
It is my hope that while you are viewing the #IAmSuccessful collection, that you do not think that this work is exceptional, for black excellence is the rule and not the exception. It is my hope that you do not think of these images in isolation, or the subjects and their success as unattainable. But I pray that in viewing the collection, you see what can happen when we truly “get free”. I hope that the self-love, and self-worth, and unapologetic joy in being excellent inspires you to take the action steps necessary to walk in your own authentic, unapologetically joyful, black truth. Amandla Nwegethu (Power To The People)!
One Word…….”Excellent”!!
Bam Boom PowDow!!! Love love love it!!!!
“I am successful because I refuse to partake, contribute or indulge in negativity.”
This could not have been published at a more appropriate time. As the black man looks at himself in the mirror daily, this is a simple reminder of their success! Success is not always defined as wealthy, good looking or well educated, but rather your personal standard & who you feel you are way deep in your soul!!! I love this!!!
Awesome! I love it!
ABSOLUTELY AMAZING to look at all these Beautiful, Strong, Spiritually Guided Black Men!!!
Awesome my brothers. .
I am honored to say that I was blessed to see and be part of this wonderful event that the creative director captured. He is such a wonderful person to be around along with watching how is great influence has impacted others especially my son Madison. Thank you; you truly have changed many lives….
Absolute excellence ! Appreciate the messages and the motivation .thank you brothers
Powerful… very, very powerful.