Color is bold. Color is life. Color is uplifting. Color is an infinitive imagination that expands beyond measures. Color is an artistic element that artist, Tina Palmer, infuses into her paintings. Intrigued by Palmer’s color usage, II Magazine wanted to know Palmer’s thought process behind her artistic work.
II Magazine: What is your art about?
Palmer: My work is more about capturing tranquillity and evoking a mood. With my landscapes/trees, I like to capture a scene we all can identify with. I mostly love to paint trees with bare branches because that is where all the random design work is before they get covered up with leaves. Don’t get me wrong, I love spring and summer when all the leaves are in their glory.
II Magazine: What role does the artist have in society?
Palmer: The “role’ of an artist. Hmmm, I suppose to offer viewers something to ponder on. Maybe reach an emotion of both the viewer and the artist.
II Magazine: What’s integral to the work of an artist?
Palmer: Integal. Well for me, I have to have a clear idea of what I’m about to paint, at least the beginning and an idea of how I want to end the painting. Sometimes what happens during the process can change as your imagination makes spontaneous decisions.
Palmer: I love color, and if you’ve ever been to an art supply store there are tons of colors that should be used. As an artist you should not be afraid to add in some unexpected color to a painting.
Love IT!
Beautiful artwork! It’s so lifelike!