Most men like to keep their skincare routine pretty simple, no-nonsense in fact. Most guys don’t realize that they may need to re-evaluate their skincare routine and products as the seasons change, especially in winter. Our winter this year has been unusually brutal and has taken it’s toll on men’s skin. You may have noticed that your skin may have more dry patches, appear more ashy and may be more sensitive than usual thanks to ole’man winter and its effects. These simple tips are an easy solution to combat dry winter skin:

*Stay hydrated: To alleviate dry winter skin you must stay hydrated.  Hydration comes from within, so drink more water! Make it a point to skip the coffee and switch to a cup of decaffeinated herbal tea. Add a little lemon and/or honey.  In fact, honey is a natural humectant and has the ability to hydrate the body from within.

*Increase good fats in the diet: Omega 3’s or essential fatty acids found in foods like wild caught salmon, nuts or seeds help boost hydration in the body.

*Check the temperature of your water: It’s tempting, especially in the cold weather to take long, hot showers, but this can be extremely drying to the skin. The hot steamy shower actually makes it difficult for your skin to retain or regain moisture. Keep showers short and instead of hot water use warm water.

*Exfoliate: Include some gentle exfoliation. Most guys like to skip this step, especially in the winter. A little exfoliation can be helpful, as it rids the skin of dead cells. Dead, dull skin prevents moisturizing products from penetrating optimally. Mild scrubs and products that contain fruit enzymes gently dissolve cellular buildup and promote cell renewal.

*Skip the aftershave and harsh cleansers: Most aftershaves contain harsh drying ingredients, especially alcohol. Alcohol can create havoc on your skin! It strips the skin of natural oils, moisture and disrupts the Ph levels. Look for products that are soap-free or sulfate free; instead opt for creamy or liquid soap- free cleanser instead of the bar soaps.

*Moisturizing is key: In the winter months you want to maximize absorption of hydrators.  Look for products that are rich in hydrating ingredients such as hyluronic acid, aloe and glycerin.  These help to restore and protect the skin’s moisture barrier. Apply your moisturizer while skin is still damp, as this also helps by locking in some moisture underneath.

* Consult an expert: Aestheticians are a wonderful resource to help care for your skin all year round, but especially in the winter months. A thorough review of your skin concerns and needs will help keep your skin in shape and on course. If you have never tried a hydrating facial, winter is a great time to start.

Suggested facial products:


For more information about suggested products visit www.hylunia.com

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