Mainstream society continues to see black people based on our physical characteristics, hair being one of them. And today in 2019, black hair is just as political as it ever has been.
/ read moreMainstream society continues to see black people based on our physical characteristics, hair being one of them. And today in 2019, black hair is just as political as it ever has been.
/ read moreYou see, I am a wife and mom of seven. Through all the crazy chaos of my life, it is hard for some people to believe that I am still sane and genuinely happily married for almost fifteen years. When people ask, “How do you do it?” I tell them this truth: Anybody can get married. However, staying married is a whole different story.
/ read moreThis year’s group of talented men are literally beating the odds everyday. They are beating the odds that say they should be dead or back behind bars. They are not only surviving, but thriving.
/ read moreWhen I think of bitterness I think of roots. Roots are not fruit, sweet and attractive, but they are just as essential to plant health. They are patient but always moving forward, growing unapologetically. Some roots are impossible or even deadly to ingest if pulled straight out of the ground, but if you know your roots, you might find that you can turn them into medicine, and although you can almost bet that it will be bitter to the taste, they are healing.
How do you change the pattern of thinking for a generation obsessed with instant gratification?
/ read moreA subtle, “Good afternoon” greeting announces his entrance to the room. His presence is not commanding; but, highly authoritative.
/ read moreIt is my hope that while you are viewing the #IAmSuccessful collection, that you do not think that this work is exceptional, for black excellence is the rule and not the exception. It is my hope that you do not think of these images in isolation, or the subjects and their success as unattainable.
/ read moreWe live in a diverse country, and understanding cultural and creative expression lends itself to a benevolent understanding that expels hate and promotes equality.
/ read moreNew feminism truly seeks to bring equality to the masses without exception or bias, and this new movement seeks to empower, enlighten, and embolden everyone.
/ read more“The process of transforming our industry into something more sustainable and more sensitive to our needs…takes time. It is a long term commitment to a new way of producing and consuming that requires widespread personal and institutional change” –Kate Fletcher
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