Judgmental Eyes: Loosening Constraints
Not too long ago, reality TV star and olympic athlete Bruce Jenner was reintroduced to the nation as Caitlyn Jenner, a transgender woman looking to educate and dispel stereotypes about the transgender community. In the Summer of 2014, tensions between law enforcement and the community of Ferguson Missouri erupted in racially motivated violence and protest. Same sex marriage was federally legalized by the supreme court; however, rogue agents at the state level attempted to block the issuance of marriage certificates. Martin Luther King, Jr. once suggested that a person should be judged by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin, lifestyle, religion, gender, or any personal expression one chooses to adopt.
At first glance it appears that our culture has failed to learn from lessons/mistakes of the past, specifically, the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s. However, this notion is too general and fails to recognize the advances Western culture has made. I think the current and unfortunate trend of negative judgement towards those who are considered “different” rests solely in cliche and stale concepts of morality rooted in hatred and misunderstanding.
So then how do we fix, or at a minimum come to an understanding with regards to tolerance? The answer isn’t easy; however, it is the opinion of this writer that “relaxing constraints” might offer some headway in progressing to a point where everyone can feel comfortable being themselves. What do I mean by “relaxing constraints”? In other words, I am talking about education, community involvement, and truth-seeking; these in turn build a framework of understanding and can assist in abolishing preconceived notions. Furthermore, relaxing constraints means getting to know those around you in lieu of living in fear and ignorance.
We live in a diverse country, and understanding cultural and creative expression lends itself to a benevolent understanding that expels hate and promotes equality. Alternative lifestyles and cultures do not dictate character or worth, and wanting to be judged based solely on that character is not a special right, it’s something that should be extended to everyone as a basic right. In order to correct social inequality and unwarranted judgement, we have to look within ourselves and seek improvement, relax dated moral concepts, and understand the challenges faced by others. It is through understanding and love that true equality will be realized in our great society.